Federal Duck Stamp Collection
Duck Stamps (Federal) collection. Complete set 1934 -- 1992 = 59, #s 1-59. All in custom frame about 1 yard square behind glass. Stamps are in individual mounts, not attached to anything. 29 are mint un-signed; 30 are signed
(list of each available -- 1934 is un-signed. Mounted above stamps is limited signed print by Gerald Petitt. See photos $3,500
Andrea Pietro De Zerega Oil Painting
Zerega, Andrea Pietro de: American Artist. Fine large oil painting prominently signed on back "Corcoran 1937/1938" in his hand. The painting is 30"" x 40'' in a thin wood frame. Apparently never damaged, repaired,
cleaned & was well stored. Artist listed in many reference books. Guaranteed Authentic. Click to see picture
$12,500 includes careful packing in proper painting box, insurance, quick shipping.
Prints and Maps
Antique MAPS + PRINTS 1700s -- 1800s (few 1900s), 1,000+. Mostly large sizes, up to 24 inches x 36 inches. Each one is on solid white-core board with shrink-wrap. All fine condition.
Pile would be over 16 feet tall laid flat! Collection included multiples of each of these types (and more!). Original hand-colored U.S., World and Boston area town maps, beautiful color Botanicals, Birds, Animals, Sporting,
Chromolithographs, Views, Maine Town Photos, 1700s Industries and Trades, Harper's Weekly, Large Wood, Steel, Lithographic Engravings, Frederick Remington, A.B. Frost, Military maps and scenes, etc. Ready to retail or collect.
Potential $50,000 to $100,000. Price $9,900 +shipping
$9,900 +shipping
Nathaniel C. Burwash Painting
Burwash, Nathaniel C.: American Artist. "Mother & Child" 1937, Signed. 1906-1947. Paintings held by various prominent museums. 17½" x 22½" net. Artist listed in various reference works. Guaranteed Authentic.
WPA artist & instructor.
$5,500.00 includes careful packing, insurance, quick shipping.
Nathan Robbins Nautical Art
Robbins, Nathan: Artist. Pencil/Watercolor Painting entitled "W.H.Y. Hackett, (out of ) Portsmouth, N.H." showing yacht at full sail of that name, with Boone Island Lighthouse (in Maine near NH). Large 20" x 26" in original wood frame.
Circa late 19th Century. Nice appearance; but, has some damp stain & insect damage. Guaranteed Authentic. Artist was a local attorney and is listed in various reference works. Other works unknown. Hackett was a prominent local shipbuilder and this was his
personal craft.
Jean Lamont Dell
Group of 123 original watercolors & other original works circa 1940s to 1960s. Includes landscapes, greeting card art, book illustration. Lived in Connecticut. Various sizes up to 2'. Mostly loose, some mounted in mats. Mostly nice,
clean condition. Many are signed, some not. She painted in varying styles.
ELSIE the Borden Cow
Original illustration art signed by famed Walter Early. Elsie has prim schoolteacher's outfit, apple & blackboard with few French words. Beautiful coloring. Art is 5" square with wide original margins on artists' board, circa 1940s.
In fine original condition.
$5,500.00 guaranteed authentic and as described. Rare opportunity.
Enrico Valory Oil Painting
Fine signed large oil painting in original gold leaf frame 3¼" thick & almost perfect condition! Canvas is 29" x 39", frame 38" x 48". Tiny 1" straight tear to canvas, bottom right only. Could use cleaning; but is
in excellent condition.
Andrew Jackson, New Orleans hero. N. Currier
Rare N. Currier (later Currier & Ives) "Gen. Andrew Jackson, The Hero of New-Orleans" 'Lith. Pub by N. Currier, 2 Spruce St. NY' Wonderful portrait of Gen. Jackson in full military uniform & highly decorated saddle &
blanket on his bucking horse with battle ensuing in background. Orig hand colored lithograph circa 1840s (not dated). 10" x 14" Rare for original 12" x16" wood frame with original backing board and original handmade nails and hanger.
Picture is in excellent condition with NO typical dampstains.
Rare thus $2,500.00
Mabel Key Paintings
Pair of matching Mabel Key floral watercolor paintings. One signed "Mabel Key July 1917". Each painting is 20"x40" vertical with matching original 2½" frames. One has full seal on back (the signed one). Both in excellent condition.
$45,000 for both